Bookseller Catalogs

TPM One:

By Type Punch Matrix

TPM One: Our debut.

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“In these Raggs and hungry Bowels, down, down, down”

By Garrett Scott, Bookseller

“In these Raggs and hungry Bowels, down, down, down” 50 items -- all either manuscript or nearly flat -- cataloged in a time of pandemic. Subjects include the joys of anti-Bell-Ringing, a lengthy letter from one of the men responsible for the creation of written vernacular Syriac, a deep dive into the history of America's most celebrated hoochie-coochie dancer, powerful letters from a woman beset by conspiracies in Regency England, and appropriate perhaps to the current mood, one will also find several Millerite items.


By The Book Collector, Inc

chess Works on the game of chess including Problems, Periodicals, ephemera, Openings, Middle Game, Ending , Game Collections, Tournaments as well as signed material.

Virtual bookfair

By Golden Legend, Inc.

Virtual bookfair Fifty special items from our bookshop

How to request a print version: printed copy on request. email;

247: From the Private Library of PHILIP K. WILSON, PH.D.

By Jeff Weber Rare Books

247: From the Private Library of PHILIP K. WILSON, PH.D. TOPICS: Anatomy -- Astronomy -- Biology -- Blood Transfusion -- Botany -- Classics -- Darwinism -- Disabilities -- Electricity -- Eugenics -- French History -- Genetics -- Hawaii -- Heredity -- Inoculation -- Italian History -- Leprosy -- Medical Biography -- Medical Education -- Medical History – Medical oddities -- Microbiology -- Midwifery -- Pain -- Paleontology -- Pediatrics -- Pharmacology -- Philosophy -- Phrenology -- Plagues -- Pregnancy -- Public Health -- Religion -- Sexuality -- Spiritualism.

AUTHORS, SUBJECTS & EDITORS: Agatin T. ABBOTT; Jean-Augustin AMAR DU RIVIER; William BATESON; John BROWN; Thomas CREECH; Daniel DEFOE; Michael A. FLANNERY; Ross H. GAST; Cosmo Alexander GORDON; Walter J. HADDEN; Karl LACHMANN; David LANGFORD; Richard LANSDOWN; Marc LAPPE; Edward J. LARSON; Johann Kaspar LAVATER; Christopher LAWRENCE; Susan C. LAWRENCE; George LAWTON; Peter LEAD; Horace LEAF; Susan E. LEDERER; John Coakley LETTSOM; Johan LILJENCRANTS; Margarette LINCOLN; Beals E. LITCHFIELD; John Uri LLOYD; John LOCKE; Oliver LODGE; Bert James LOEWENBERG; Paul A. LOMBARDO; Harland William LONG; William Robert LOOSLEY; Professor J. S. LOVELAND; LUCRETIUS CARUS; Kenneth M. LUDMERER; Deborah LUPTON; Edward LURIE; George MAC GREGOR; Robert Purks MACCUBBIN; Fiona A. MACDONALD; Gordon A. MACDONALD; Niccolo MACHIAVELLI; Niall MACLEAN; Rev. Howard MACQUEARY; Andreas-Holger MAEHLE; Lois N. MAGNER; Molly Maureen MAHOOD; Ralph H. MAJOR; David MALO; Gina MARANTO; Don Francisco de Paula MARIN; Othniel Charles MARSH; Alfred Wilhelm MARTIN; Emily MARTIN; John MASSON; Nettie Colburn MAYNARD; Cristina MAZZONI; Joseph MCCABE; Maclyn MCCARTY; Ruth MCCLURE; Georgess MCHARGUE; John S. MCINTOSH; James Hewat McKENZIE; Thomas MCKEOWN; Richard MEAD; Charles Delucena MEIGS; Mary Ries MELENDY; Gregor MENDEL; Charles Arthur MERCIER; F. J. F. MEYEN; Jules MICHELET; Frank MILLS; Ormsby M. MITCHEL; David T. MITCHELL; James C. MOHR; Mary Wortley MONTAGU; John MOORE; Pete MOORE; Michelle T. MORAN; Lacy Collison MORLEY; David B. MORRIS; Iwan Rhys MORUS.; Ornella MOSCUCCI; Fitzhugh N.A.M. MULLAN; Hermann Joseph MULLER; Hugh Andrew Johnstone MUNRO; Robert F. MURRAY; Thomas H. MURRAY; Museo La Specola Florence; Frederic W. H. MYERS; Juri MYKKANEN; Linda ORR; John H. OSTROM; Charles H. ROBINSON; Mark A. ROTHSTEIN; Sharon L. SNYDER; Alfred-Armand-Louis-Marie VELPEAU; Gilbert WAKEFIELD.

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